A puddle without syntax, where oiled lexemes sprawl over each other, each point frictionless and interchangeable; adjectively gone nounish, verbs to interjectioned, and conjunction to preposition of but when after in… There is not an English people. There are fetishes: an umbrella, a roundel,...
Adjective ▲ Free of, or inclined to avoid, conflict or dissent peaceable peaceful pacific nonviolent friendly amicable harmonious pacifistic pacifist disciplined unwarlike cordial orderly amiable compliant nonbelligerent agreeable gentle irenic placid pacificatory diplomatic calm conciliatory affable mild dovis...
As an adjectivequiet is with little or no sound; free from of disturbing noise. As an interjectionpeaceis shut up!, silence!; be quiet, be silent. quiet English Adjective (er) With little or no sound; free from of disturbing noise. ...
King, his marches, his sit-ins, his Christian humility, and his pacifist approach. Malcolm X only had a one paragraph beneath a picture of him shouting, and I distinctly remember him being labeled as a violent radical, a dangerous Muslim, a preacher of hatred towards the white man. How ...
Is deviance an insult? Now, you might think that calling pacifists and vegans and runaway slaves 'deviant' is rude, but in sociology, deviance isn't an insult. Deviance simply means being non-normative: different. What do you call a deviant person? Definitions of deviant. a person whose ...
One of the most striking features of the way in which Western Europe re-invented itself after the two catastrophic total wars is the way in which it shed a legacy of strong statism and replaced Religions 2012, 3 294 blood-thirsty nationalistic chauvinism with more-or-less pacifist politics ...