-My alarm clock didn't ___ ,so I overslept. A.go by B.go on C.go off D.go down (Keys:C) 3.Carl's dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.卡尔的爸爸在街上看到我 , 捎了我一程 . give sb. a lift 是动词短语 ,意为 "捎某人一程〞 ,相当于 ...
A: 21 ? B: I stayed up watching the football match the evening before , so I overslept the next morning. A: 22 ? B: I rushed to the bus stop without breakfast. But unfortunately,by the time I got there,the school bus had already left. A: Poor guy! 23 ? B: I starte...
alift,2)掌握BythetimeIgotoutside,thebushadalreadyleft.WhenIgottoschool,IrealizedIhadleftmybackpackathome.3)掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。2.情感态度价值观目标:能学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信。1aLookatthepictures.Whathappenedtothegirl?Shegotuplate. Sheoverslept.Tellastoryoversleep(overslept...
;Iwaslateforworktoday.WhenIgotup,Ifoundmyclockhadrung.Itwas7:30.WhenIwentout,Ifoundthebushadalreadyleft.;1a;;Tina’smorning;Shegotuplate.Sheoverslept.;Bythetimeshegotup,herbrother hadalreadygottenintheshower.;Shewasrunningquickly.;Whenshegottoschool,sherealized shehadleftherbackpackathome.;Listen...
A.oversleptB.completedC.changedD.missed DBA()14.—What'swrongwithyou? —BythetimeIgottoschool,IrealizedIhad___myEnglishbookathome. A.leftB.forgottenC.tookD.brought ()15.Shesaidwhenshegottothecinema,thefilm___for5minutes. A.hasbegunB.hadbegun C.hasbeenonD.hadbeenon DAⅣ.根据汉语意思完成句...
Now let’slisten ,readandlearntheconversation,ask a student from agroup. 3.Leadin: Unexpectedly,bothMary andKevin overslept,theywerelatefor class.Lifeisfullof theunexpected,isnt it? Nowthewritermettwounexpectedeventsandheended upmissingthem.Whatwerethey?How didheendthemup? 4.3 ...
a她是一个开朗可爱的女生 She is an open and bright lovable female student [translate] aNBs, mainstream-quality NBs, and standard PLs NBs,主流质量NBs和标准PLs [translate] aPlease write to me as soon as possible. 给我尽快请写。 [translate] aI overslept gain baby, I must go I overslept ...
S1:Sheoversleptandgotuplate. T:Whatdidshedonext?Talkaboutitingroupsandthenmakeareport. Ss:... … 课堂活动设计 (一)听说训练 活动1小组讨论 Step1:教师展示主题图,要求学生说出相关的词组,例如:belateforschool,missthebus,leavetheschoolbagathome,losethekeys等。
3. To have as a purpose or an intention; intend: I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept. 4. To design, intend, or destine for a certain purpose or end: a building that was meant for storage; a student who was meant to be a scientist. 5. To have as a consequence;...
WhattimedidBillgetupthismorning?Didhegetupearlyorlate?oversleep---overslept Bythetime(When)Billgotup,alotofthingshadhappened.6:30 6:50 7:00 7:10 7:30 8:00 6:30 8:00 now Bythetime(When)Bill_g__o_t_up,hismother_h_a_d__c_le_a_n__e_d_theroom.Practice 6:50 8:00 now By...