解:首先,我们需要将题目中的数 5 * 10^(13) 转换为5进制数。由于 5 * 10^(13) 是一个10进制数,我们需要找到一个5进制数,使得它的10进制表示等于 5 * 10^(13)。 我们知道,一个n位数的5进制数的10进制表示最大为 5^n - 1。因此,我们需要找到一个最小的n,使得 5^n - 1 ≥q 5 * 10^(13...
National Debt Is the Big ProblemRead the full-text online article and more details about "National Debt Is the Big Problem" - Daily Post (Liverpool, England), June 17, 2009Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
2.The present rate of federal borrowing is still small enough to be sustained indifinitely,without increasing our national debt as a share of the economy.请教哦这句话中的as是什么意思?什么用法? as a share of the economy是什么成分?如何翻译啊? 答案 说一下我的理解供你参考.1.to the ...
Sign up for Fidelity Viewpoints weekly email for our latest insights. Subscribe now What is the national debt? The national debt is the total amount of money owed by the federal government, currently a record $35.77 trillion. That's more than the estimated 2024 gross domestic product (GDP)...
The national debt has reached a staggering $35 trillion, yet some economists argue it's not a problem. Stephanie Kelton, author of "The Deficit Myth," joins "CBS Mornings Plus" to explain how "modern monetary theory" co
‘We averted an economic crisis’: Biden hails debt-ceiling deal in Oval Office address发布于 2023-06-05 15:40・IP 属地浙江 债务 美国 债务危机 赞同添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 推荐阅读 英国丢失了国家机密文件?
a第三部分是我国国债拉动国内需求效果分析,主要由两大模型的建立构成。第一,是国债投资乘数的推导,以及我国国债乘数的计算。第二,是运用IS—LM曲线模型分析我国国债投资对需求的拉动作用分析,并通过固定资产投资主体和比重检验我国国债是否存在挤出效应。 The third part is our country national debt drawing domestic ...
Distinguish between the federal budget deficit and the national debt. A) What is the US national debt? B) How is it primarily financed? C) Do you believe that the debt itself is a national macroeconomic problem? Discuss. Explain how the US national debt has developed (be sure to relate ...
a针对我国当前民营企业面临的债务危机,探讨解决适合于我国国情的债务危机问题就显得尤为迫切与重要。理论研究与实践均表明解决债务问题的基本思路是债务重组。 The debt crisis faces which in view of Our country Current Private enterprise, the discussion solution suits in our country national condition debt crisis...
National debt refers to the total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed and still owes. It includes domestic and foreign debt, comprising various financial instruments like bonds, loans, and treasury bills.