It is good to think that you grew up in an age when one could remain a whole man and develop in all directions…. === For fair use only. With great gratitude to Arnold Zweig and his translators. Reproduced with the sole purpose of promoting peace. Share this: Reddit Facebook Tumblr ...
Just go onto Reddit® and read the unhinged reactions to being asked to write five simple sentences about what they did last week. Five sentences. Even at the slothful speed of, say, Health and Human Services, it shouldn’t take more than fifty minutes and a smoke break. Just work ...
It didn't take long for a Redditor to photoshop the image of the pill bottle to read “hard to swallow pills” and use it as a meme to illustrate a difficult truth. Who would win? TheStarVenge // reddit Who would win? The internet has taken the childhood game of “who would win”...
After all, let’s not forget that it wasn’t that long ago when E+ itself usually meant 35-36” pitch, instead of the 34” pitch of today (or of course, the nebulous “up to 33” pitch” Dougie P at AA & Oscar M/Scottie K at UA are probably already waiting with baited breath ...