[Editor’s Note:Deadpool & Wolverineis currently still behindJokerandOppenheimeras the third-highest grossing R-rated film worldwide, but it is far ahead of them domestically.] The Top 10 and Beyond:TwistersHolds on,TrapFails to Impress Remaining in second place ...
A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent.——J. Robert Oppenheimer • 【罗伯特·奥本海默(美国犹太人物理学家):这个世界每个人是不一样的,有的人笑,有的人哭,大多数人都沉默。】 Episode 4: "The Itch" (2014. 10. 22) • What's the matter, you dissentious rogu...
“The Oppenheimer Retrospective” by Katherine Slaughter Listen to Our Voices Podcasts Streetlight Voices Podcast Scripts Streetlight Voices: Short Fiction & Memoir·Places To Go Things To See by Richard D. Key See a list of podcasts. Recent Forum Topics ...
Based on box office norms, bothBarbieandOppenheimerhad minor declines on their second weekend. This proves movie-goers' enduring interest in theridiculously-hypedstory about the Mattel doll come to life and whatever epic creations Nolan dreams up —even bothin a double feature. As of Jul. 21,...
Peter Oppenheimer, chief global equity strategist at Goldman Sachs and author ofAny Happy Returns: Structural Changes and Super Cycles in Markets, put the lessons of past financial market cycles for most investors succinctly to Investopedia: "Staying the course" and relying on "compound returnsover ...
Boehm, B.E.; Cornell, J.E.; Wang, H.; Mukherjee, N.; Oppenheimer, J.S.; Svatek, R.S. Efficacy of bacillus Calmette-Guérin Strains for Treatment of Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. J. Urol. 2017, 198, 503–510. [Google Scholar] [...
along with how those decisions were arrived at, why, and how they may have evolved through the life of the project. Perhaps theres some room for this inthe Go Blog, but even then the answer is still "it depends", and what works for one package might not work well for another, even ...
We included the three original items and seven newer problems (Thomson and Oppenheimer, 2016, Primi et al., 2016, Toplak et al., 2014; see preregistration.) Cronbach’s alpha was 0.783. Epistemic curiosity Scale See Study 1. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.821 for interest curiosity and...
Do you think seeing ‘TGSET’ in Cinerama rates with seeing ‘Oppenheimer’ on 70mm film;-) Also on my resume: seeing‘Reflections in a Golden Eye’ with Greek subtitles. I think I may start an Instagram of my own and call it Dave’s Soiled Retina.” Better June 7, 2023 in ...
" But Swift always knows what her fans want, and, sure enough, the opening notes to "Style" reverberated through the IMAX speakers, and during "Bad Blood" the bass reached blissfulOppenheimerlevels. As an OG Swiftie, I was least invested in the closing era:Midnights. But"Lavender Haze,"...