限定的; 模糊的: a sort of indeterminate colour, half-way between grey and brown 一种介於灰色与棕色之间说不清的颜色. (b) (mathematics 数) of no fixed value 数值不定的; 未定元的: an indeterminate quantity 不定量. indeterminacy / -nEsI; -nEsI/ n [U]. index / 5Indeks; `IndZks/ n (...
Infinity divided by any finite number is infinity. Here are the rules: 1. Infinity divided by a finite number is infinite (I / f = I); 2. Any finite number divided by infinity is a number infinitesimally larger than, but never equal to, zero (f / I = 1 /
Validate.checkSize(ast,2);finalIExpr arg1 = ast.arg1();if(arg1.isIndeterminate()) {returnF.Indeterminate; }if(arg1.isDirectedInfinity()) { IAST directedInfininty = (IAST) arg1;if(directedInfininty.isAST1()) {if(directedInfininty.isInfinity()) {returnF.C0; }returnF.Arg(directedInfininty...
Fromm-Reichmann sat heavily in an old leather chair, a half-smoked Chesterfield in one hand, black coffee in the other, drafts of the book she was struggling to finish scattered like leaves across her desk. In less than a month, she would be fifty-nine. It had been thirteen years since...
it is first converted into a numeric value. This resulting value is then checked to determine if it is NaN. Consequently, if a non-number is coerced into a valid numeric value (such as the empty string or boolean primitives, which yield zero or one when coerced), it will not be conside...
into a manifold: each isa oneandno other; an all-the-same-ness; justselfhoodin general without a he-hood, she-hood, or it-hood, for these still slumber together with thehe, she,it in the infinite zero of the indeterminate from which each and everydeterminate beinghas yet to proceed!
The limit of the functions having indeterminate form can be evaluated using L' Hospital rule. The indeterminate form of the limits are {eq}\dfrac{0}{0}\;{\rm{and}}\;\dfrac{\infty }{\infty } {/eq}. The L' Hospital rule states tha...
The two filters are thus not identical and their output spike sequences differ in their magnitudes. If at least one of the spectral values of the input spectrum is zero, the spectrum of the inverse as obtained by spectral-divisions is completely indeterminate. If, however, we depart from the...
the absolute inequality of the determinant algebras of the determinant algebras of angular money is obtained The geometric mean of the arithmetic mean of cramers law The monotonic addition monotonicity of one-dimensional multiplicative monotonicity is the least positive periodic zero degree polynomial The...
2 having the status, wealth, etc that enables one to persuade others to do sth 有地位、 财富等的(因而能影响他 人做某事) : a committee of influential businessmen, union leaders, etc 由有权势的商界人士、 工会领袖等组成的委员会. influenza / 9InflU5enzE; 9InflJ`ZnzE/ n [U] (fml 文) ...