a hyphenated word is a combination of two or more words joined together by a hyphen. it is often used to form new, compound words, such as "mother-in-law" or "e-book." for the most part, they are used to make longer words easier to read and understand, especially when they ...
In my country I cannot say that I have seen the hyphenated form much. Maybe we use another word to say the same thing. Patty Inglish MS (author) from USA and Asgardia, the First Space Nation on October 29, 2012: English is tricky to many people! I also use too many hyphens. ...
Spaceball 2000 (Mac/Win, ~20MB, free) - A great little sci-fi-themed ball-bouncing physics-based platform-puzzle game (could I have worked any more hyphenated phrases in there?!). Use the [arrow] keys to move and build bouncing momentum as you work your way to the key card that open...
—a book, and as you write, you think, “I need one of those long dash, double hyphen things. What are those things called, again? And how do I make sure I use it correctly so I don't look like an idiot?” Let's look at what an em dash is and how to use one correctly. ...
Array<String> :hyphen_attrs %w(data) Attributes which will be hyphenated if a Hash is given (e.g. data={a_foo:1,b:2} will render as data-a_foo="1" data-b="2") Boolean :hyphen_underscore_attrs false Attributes that have underscores in their names will be hyphenated (e.g. data...
What's the meaning of thirty-third? (Entry 1 of 2) 1 :being number 33 in a countableseries the thirty-third day — see Table of Numbers. 2 : being one of 33 equal parts into which anything is divisible a thirty-third share of the money. ...
(2016, p. 13) describe their approach as follows: “The expressions include permutations of cyber or cybersecurity risk or attack and data or information or network breach (hyphenated or spaced and case insensitive).” Amir et al. (2018) utilize a severity index obtained from Gemalto (an ...
” It’s an obvious effort to avoid the impression of peddling only price. Whether the changes have actually improved Walmart’s “discount” image or not, the revised design of the logotype has quickly become a familiar new look. It is no longer a dated-looking hyphenated name, and the ...
The first hyphenated use of fancy-pants as an adjective appeared in the “Coshocton Tribune” in November of 1939. You may also like: Scientific breakthroughs from the year you were born 1938: Electroshock, Rastafarianism Wikimedia Commons 1938: Electroshock, Rastafarianism Other notable words:...
Array<String> :hyphen_attrs %w(data) Attributes which will be hyphenated if a Hash is given (e.g. data={a_foo:1,b:2} will render as data-a_foo="1" data-b="2") Boolean :hyphen_underscore_attrs false Attributes that have underscores in their names will be hyphenated (e.g. data...