(Ma’am, I would like to have one bottle of soju please.)• 오늘 바나나를 네 개 샀어요. (I bought four bananas today.)• 석진형은 차 두 대 있어요? (Does Seokjin have two cars?)• 아침에 책을 한 권 읽었어요. (This m...
Usually done with a bottle of soju (rice vodka) on the side, dining takes hours and is a big social event. A visit to South Korea would not be complete without enjoying this gastronomic scene. Joining in doesn’t have to cost the world. In fact, eating out in South Korea isn’t ...
Unlike other clear alcoholic beverages like gin and vodka, soju is slightly sweet when you drink it neat due to the sugar added during the distillation process. Even if you’re not a fan of drinking liquor neat, there’s a chance that you’ll find soju easy on the palate, and you may...
not growing on trees), the cost of their sweet ride, the cost of messing around the way they did two years ago in senior year, opportunity cost (when I was your age, I was in the Army and look at me now—what you need is self-discipline, son, not a cruise...
For one South Korean entrepreneur, it only made sense to bottle that formula from his home country and bring it to the hands of hard-working, hard-playing Americans. Sisun Lee's product,Morning Recovery, is a hangover cure based on some of the many traditional remedies in South Korea's he...
The smallest bottle of soju easily serves three; let this be a little insight into the type of evening you’ll have. And there are plenty of snacks to munch on while you sing: spicy chicken wings; spicy seafood soup and kimchi fried rice. They charge for the rooms by the hour, so ...
South Korea is so safe that you could accidentally leave your phone on a table and no one will take it. Seriously. That sounds pretty good to us. A lot of people are worried about the threat from North Korea and hesitate to visit because of it. Whilst it’s a genuinely tense border ...
It’ll be too obvious if we drink from only one bottle. CHUNG-SOOK Nice to see you use that brain for once. Berry comes over to Chung-Sook wagging her tail, but Chung-Sook kicks her away. Chung-Sook is already drunk. Her face is bright red. KI-JUNG But you always get shit...
Sam Soon sits down and her dad grabs the bottle so that he can share a special drink with his favorite daughter.And even though this is just between a daughter and her dad, Sam Soon keeps the cultural formalities of drinking with one’s elder. Her dad pours the first drink, and Sam ...