Go in the fountain. The olive tree shade The fountain and thirsty birds Nature at my door. — kenne Share this: Tweet Print Email Share Share on Tumblr WhatsApp Reddit Like this: Loading...Posted July 26, 2022 by kenneturner in Art, Capturing the Moment, Existential Moment, Information,...
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They did it because, as various columnists have pointed out, these were nerds who congregated on Reddit; they liked GameStop, they had warm feelings towards it, and they didn’t like the idea of these rich Wall Street chads making a tidy profit by bankrupting something they cared about. ...
The “hard to swallow pills” meme uses two stock photos from WikiHow that were first posted to the internet in August 2017. It didn't take long for a Redditor to photoshop the image of the pill bottle to read “hard to swallow pills” and use it as a meme toillustrate a difficult...
TheStarVenge // reddit Who would win? The internet has taken the childhood game of “who would win” to a whole new level with this meme. Used topose hypothetical battlesbetween two opposing subjects, the “who would win” meme is said to have begun in 2014 when a 4chan user posted th...
Increase that which is good, decrease that which is bad, then eliminate that which is bad and a burden will lift from you. That everybody else does it isn’t going to make you live a longer, healthier, happier life. They won’t either, so don’t allow them to drag you down....
In our new apartment, I want to have a “Zero Waste Kitchen”, but that means I have to use up as much as possible in the current apartment before we move. The idea is to start with a clean slate. To do that we need to make sure we do not bring bad habits with us. Today, ...
It didn't take long for a Redditor to photoshop the image of the pill bottle to read “hard to swallow pills” and use it as a meme to illustrate a difficult truth. Who would win? TheStarVenge // reddit Who would win? The internet has taken the childhood game of “who would win”...
Reddit Facebook mother's recipesrecipes Cooking My Mother’s Recipes #7 May 15, 20184 Comments The photo above is of my parents at the completion of their first home. My father built it with his GI low-rate loan. This photo is likely circa 1950. ...
Below, you’ll find a story that one teensharedon Reddit detailing how she got revenge on her aunt who attempted to pressure her and her brother into adopting the same religious beliefs, as well as an interview withDr. Jerry Coyne.