Date Jan. 11, 1996The combination (mixture and/or reaction product) of an epoxy based demulsifier and a heterocyclic compound, e.g. dimercaptoth-iadiazole, has been found to exhibit synergistic activity in marine oil formulations especially Trunk Piston Oils. The combination produces Trunk Piston...
vinegar is a homogeneous mixture of ethanoic acid and water. Heterogeneous Mixtures - the (two or more) substances that form the mixture are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture, e.g. oil and water. Solutions - special type of homogeneous mixtures in which one substance (called the ...
A compound is a combination of two or more elements that are chemically combined and which always has the same formula. Water meets these two criteria: the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are bound to each other, and they are always in a 2:1 ratio. A mixture is made of two or more ...
The corn (or other grain) passes through a grinding meal. It comes out as a powder. A mixture made of this grain powder, water and an enzyme enters a high-heat cooker, where it's liquefied. The enzyme helps to break down the grain compound to aide in the liquefaction process. The li...
The extraction of cumin oil by the seeds of the Cuminum. It is a very powerful essential oil for cooking and good bodily health. Cumin is also used as a type of spice. The taste of cumin oil is very strong, and it is also used over salad and vegetables....
For hydrogen bonding in a molecule, there should be at least one hydrogen atom attached to the electronegative atom. Hydrogen bonding can be intramolecular as well as intramolecular in nature. Answer and Explanation: 1,4-butanediol is most soluble in water ...
During loading of crude oil and chemical tankers and the successive transit, VOCs may be generated and released to the atmosphere with the inert gases. The amount of VOCs that have evolved into the inert gas tank atmosphere is associated with the oil’s volatility; the tendency of a substance...
A role for Hedgehog (Hh) signalling in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC) has been proposed. In CRC and other solid tumours, Hh ligands are upregulated; however, a specific Hh antagonist provided no benefit in a clinical trial. Here we use Hh rep
Room temperature is a standard temperature used in chemistry and is equal to 25 Celsius degrees. It is part of the Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure (SATP), which refers to fixed temperature and pressure points used in calculations. Another standa...
Marine and lake snow is a continuous shower of mixed organic and inorganic aggregates falling from the upper water where primary production is substantial. These pelagic aggregates provide a niche for microbes that can exploit these physical structures a