At this point, we settled into our routine. Chemotherapy happens in cycles. Jessie needed to do four cycles. The Revlimid came in the mail. Fourteen days on, seven days off. Fourteen days of poison. Three times a week she went to the hospital for Velcade. The particular part of OHSU th...
Note that cybercriminals often use the so-called 'lateral movement' approach, whereby they will target a company's IT system (for instance, that of an accountancy practice) not merely to get into that particular system, but in order to use the breached system as a stepping-stone for ...
That's part of their plan, to turn you into the person that you're really not. Don't mention that you've been blackballed, and don't try to take legal action towards your employer. That's exactly what they want: to see if they could get under your skin. They are serial bullies....
Most of all, keep your head up and don't let your enemies get the better of you. Other weaker souls may be looking at your situation and silently depending on you to pull through. If you crumple, they will remain whipped into place and the dysfunctional system stays intact. Don't let...