is influenced by numerous factors. Since a mesothelioma diagnosis often occurs once the cancer has progressed to later stages of development, prognosis is typically poor. However if a patient is diagnosed before the cancer has spread or elects to undergo treatment to combat...
Things you need to know about your body How to deal with rare menstrual 'decidual cast' Early signs you could be pregnant Which contraceptive pill is best for me? What to expect when you come off the pill Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this...
The burden of long-term osteoporosis management falls on primary care in most healthcare systems. However, a wide and stable treatment gap exists in many such settings; most of which appears to be secondary to a lack of awareness of fracture risk. Screening is a public health measure for the...
Article Open access 16 August 2021 Netrin-1 blockade inhibits tumour growth and EMT features in endometrial cancer Article Open access 02 August 2023 Prognostic refinement of NSMP high-risk endometrial cancers using oestrogen receptor immunohistochemistry Article Open access 23 January 2023 Introductio...
After the menopause, our ovaries stop producing the hormone oestrogen, which can cause side effects for some women, including hot flushes and mood swings. HRT effectively treats these symptoms by restoring normal hormones levels. However, following the Million Women Study, many women on HRT...
Greendale GA, Huang MH, Leung K, Crawford SL, Gold EB, Wight R, Waetjen E, Karlamangla AS: Dietary phytoestrogen intakes and cognitive function during the menopausal transition: results from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation Phytoestrogen Study. Menopause. 2012, 19 (8): 894-90...
I am 67. She died because at 47 she needed a hysterectomy but refused because she was afraid of menopause. While uterine cancer is not hereditary (so the doctors say now) I don’t want to make the same mistake as my mother and go off the AI because I don’t want to deal with ...
It can even bring on an early menopause, which is a particularly important consideration for older women who may be trying to beat the clock. Smoking can decrease sperm count in men, making the sperm more sluggish, and it can increase the number of abnormal sperm. With men, the effects ...
Both early menarche and late menopause increase breast cancer risk due to the widening of the ''estrogenic window'' during which the breast is exposed to the action of sex hormones. In postmenopausal women, the levels of estrogens in the serum are positively correlated with ...
In summary, all the physiological changes induced by the reduction of oestrogen that occurs during menopause lead to vaginal dysbiosis, mainly characterised by the significant and progressive reduction of lactobacilli, which often causes vaginal infections. All these events might trigger an inflammatory re...