the history of mr pol the history of russia the history of the na the history of the sc the hitch hikers guid the hitchhikers guide the hk sze yap commer the hohenstauffens the hokey pokey the holding power inv the holidays are just the hollowmurder afte the hollywood exiles the hollywood...
Cultural events you should not miss are exhibitions and festivals all year long at the Mystetsky Arsenal in the capital city of Kyiv, Odessa International Film Festivals (OIFF) and Kyiv International Film Festival “Molodist”, “Docudays UA” – the human rights documentary film festival in Uk...
Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse. The American neocons are being confronted with the fact that there NEVER was any ...
History may judge the full-scale invasion of Ukraine to be modern Russia’s greatest blunder. Ukraine has thwarted assaults on its largest cities (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa), recaptured half the land lost at the war’s outset and sunk or damaged a third of Russia’s Black Sea ...
The recent deal between Ukraine and Russia to allow grain to be exported is mired in the fragility of war. I hope it is the “beacon of hope” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres flagged. But just 24 hours after the agreement was signed, Russian rockets rained on the port of Odessa, ... WARNINGS COPS AND MILITARY ARE NOW LAWLESS! BRITISH INTELLIGENCE: OBAMA BORN IN KENYA WHAT WE KNEW ALL ALONG, GET THE INFILTRATOR OUT NOW!
fall apart as infighting becomes more of a problem.Goods won’t necessarily be high-priced; many simply won’t be available at any price. Political parties will fragment. Conflict within countries, such as the recent Wagner conflict with the military leadership in Russia, wi...
Żiediņš was the son of a peasant. He graduated from a navigation school and became a navigator. He delivered revolutionary literature and weapons from abroad to Riga, St. Petersburg, and Odessa. He engaged in revolutionary activity in the Black Sea Fleet during World War I. Żiediņ...
Connectivity snapshots show that between seven and 10 Starlink satellites are in service over the cities of Odessa and Lviv and between two to six in the city of Kharkiv, based on a tracking system analysis by CSU's Press. If Kyiv is given terminals, it would have 100% "uptime" with con...
Moscow, Texas - 5,840 miles from Moscow, Russia Odessa, Texas - 6,301 miles from Odessa, Ukraine Photo by Rob Stothard/Getty Images Odessa, Texas - Odessa, Ukraine Odessa, Texas - 6,301 miles from Odessa, Ukraine Roznov, Texas - 6,000 miles from Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Repu...