This observation raises the pos- sibility that filipin and TMN may not access cholesterol when it is already in a complex with prestin and/or other proteins in the LM. In fact, it has been reported that some cholesterol-containing membranes are not labeled by filipin42–44. Therefore, we ...
Immunoprecipitation (IP) of the GINS component Sld5 corroborated this observation (Figure S1B). Sen1 interacts with replisomes independently of either Nrd1 or Nab3 (Figures S1C and S1D) and independently of ongoing transcription (Figures S1E and S1F), as previously observed (Alzu et al., ...
we decided to use 2% v/v for fission yeast as the reference concentration in further experiments. It is worth noting that wild type cells are not able to proliferate when formamide is added to EMM solid media and do so very poorly in liquid even at lower...