and if its legit at all... i guess I'll just give it a try thanks! The direction tells you... the direction. -Scott Manley, 2021 Softwares used: Corsair Link (Anime Edition) MSI Afterburner OpenRGB Lively Wallpaper OBS Studio Shutter Encoder Avidemux FSResizer Audacity...
Sounds legit! well its just 1's and 0's after all, right? right? : D btw i don't believe ltt would have backups of every video, or do they? that would probably be a massive amount of data ... (in original quality at least) The direction tells you... the direction. -...
Also: Is Temu legit? Everything to know before you place your first order To find out, I gave myself a $100 budget. Temu provides free shipping once an order gets over $10, so I placed a single order, which came to a total of $99.77 and got free shipping. Here's a quick summa...
21Militainment erschöpft sichjedochnichtderunterhaltendenFunktion,sondern,soergänztJudithArnold,»dientdergezielten Veränderung der politischen Kultur.Es geht um die Schaffung von AkzeptanzgegenüberdemMilitärundumdieNormalisierungmilitärischerGewaltanwendungalsstaatlichorganisierterundpolitischlegit...
Plädoyer zurAbschaffungeines obsolten Zentralbegriffes derFrühmittelalterforschung, in:Walter Pohl(Hg.), DieSuche nach denUrsprüngen. Vonder Bedeutungdes frühen Mittelalters (ForschungenzurGeschichtedes Mittelalters,Wien)–;eine Zusammenfassung derAuseinander...
Side-note: during all this I finally found a workaround for when OBS Studio decides to give a black screen when capturing some windows. ALT+F2 and enter "r" to reload GNOME Shell, magically then OBS can capture the window it previously showed as just a black screen....
legit part of winxp-sp2... T-Rust it's a windows system process Wayne "This .exe was stopping admin shares, sharing, access to registry, command prompt and other applications. stop the process and clear the 'kernel checker' from the run key in the regsrty" ??? Ignore this info, you...
my file is legit its in the right folder and everything...I'm using previx1 and AVG...Everytime Previx gives me an alert to send something to jail it says the root file was smss.exe, how do i go about cleaning the file up if it is legit and should not be deleted? For an ex...
If a genie were standing in front of you and said it would grant you one wish, you'd probs ask for something, like, the ability to time-travel or teleport. Me? I'm asking to wake up in the morning with a full face beat that takes absolutely zero effort. I know, it sounds like...
Should professionals teach moderation training?[] [] [] [] []Robert Westermeyer, Ph.DDoctordeluca Com