CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONisnumeric(strinVARCHAR2)returnNUMBER is begin if strisnull then return0; else -- if regexp_like(str,'^([a-z]+|[0-9]+)$') --只包含数字0-9,小写字母a-z if regexp_like(str,'^[0-9\.]+$')--只包含数字0-9,,小数点. THEN return1; else return0; endif; ...
ENDis_number; 然后,您可以将该调用嵌入查询中,即 SELECT(CASE WHEN is_number('Y'AND>0 THEN'Number > 0' ELSE'Something else' END)some_alias FROM myTable 注意,虽然PL /sql有一个布尔数据类型,但sql不是。所以,虽然你可以声明一个函数返回一个布尔值,你不能在SQL查询中使...
Oracle PL/SQL (3) - 记录类型(TYPE 类型名称 IS RECORD) 对于Oracle数据类型,主要使用的是VARCHAR2、NUMBER、DATE等类型,但是这些基本数据类型,如果在进行一些实际操作的时候就会比较麻烦。 获取一个雇员的完整信息: 例如下面这个例子,各个数据类型均被单独定义. declare v_claimno emb.claim.claimno%TYPE; v_ac...
Machine Learning in Oracle Database offers a spectrum of capabilities and features to accelerate the machine learning process. With the ability to keep data within the database, data scientists can simplify their workflow and increase security while taking advantage of more than 30 built-in, high ...
Machine Learning in Oracle Databaseoffers a spectrum of capabilities and features to accelerate the machine learning process. With the ability to keep data within the database, data scientists can simplify their workflow and increase security while taking advantage of more than 30 built-in, high pe...
1.IN 操作符 用IN写出来的SQL的优点是比较容易写及清晰易懂,这比较适合现代软件开发的风格。 但是用IN的SQL性能总是比较低的,从ORACLE执行的步骤来分析用IN的SQL与不用IN的SQL有以下区别: ORACLE试图将其转换成多个表的连接,如果转换不成功则先执行IN里面的子查询,再查询外层的表记录,如果转换成功则直接采用...
Oracle中isnumeric的三种实现 使用过 asp 的应该对isnumeric函数不会陌生,这是一个常用的判断入参是否为数字的函数。在oracle中没有现成的判断是否为数字函数,下面就用三种方法来实现: 1. 利用 to_number CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTIONisnumeric(str IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS v_str FLOAT; ...
Oracle 中 isnumeric 的三种实现 1. 利用 to_number 代码语言:txt 复制 CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONisnumeric (strIN 代码语言:txt 复制 RETURN 代码语言:txt 复制 IS 代码语言:txt 复制 v_str 代码语言:txt 复制 BEGIN 代码语言:txt 复制 IFstrISNULL
oracle——数据表的数据查询——oracle中的特殊表达式between and、in、like、is null、exists、all、some、any等,sql查询createtableyuangong(idnumber,namevarchar2(50),zhiweivarchar2(50),agenumber,sexvarchar2(20))tablespacetestinsertintoyuangongv
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g is available in multiple editions, each suitable for different development and deployment scenarios. Oracle also offers several Enterprise Manager options that enhance the capabilities of Oracle Enterprise Manager for specific application requirements. Oracle Enterprise Manager ...