Update the display sequence value for an existing Attribute Category objects in Target Org.Records with the same Display Sequence can be found via the SOQL query:Select Id, Name from %vlocity_namespace%__AttributeCategory__c where %vlocity_namespace%__DisplaySequence__c = %DisplaySequence__c...
Execute a SOQL query for records. queryAll(opts|query, [callback]) opts: oauth: (Object:Optional) The oauth object. Required in multi-user mode query: (String:Required) A query string. raw: (Boolean:Optional) Tells nforce to return the raw response from Salesforce and skip the SObject ...
}catch(MissingQueryArgument $e) {// When used in a search form the $this parameter may be missing, in this case return all possible values...// TODO check if we can improve this behavior...$sOQL ='SELECT '.$this->m_sTargetClass; $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sOQL); $oFi...
}if(columnType.isTimeBased()) {finalSimpleDateFormat dateFormat;if(columnType == ColumnType.DATE) {// note: we don't apply the timezone for DATE fields, since// they don't contain time-of-day information.dateFormat =newSimpleDateFormat(SalesforceDataContext.SOQL_DATE_FORMAT_IN, Locale.EN...
The Aggregate sum() function returns the overall sum of the values in an expression. If the output set contains no rows, NULL is returned. It relates to a specific class of aggregate functions. It specifies which column or phrase will be used to compute the total. ...
gotool是一个小而全的Golang工具集,主要是将日常开发中常用的到方法进行提炼集成,避免重复造轮子,提高工作效率,每一个方法都是作者经过工作经验,和从以往的项目中提炼出来的。 如果您觉得这个工具好用,请给个star谢谢 简体中文English 请关注 https://github.com/druidcaesa/gotool ...
Run most system validation steps. Verify that all required fields have a non-null value and run user-definedvalidation rules. Executes duplicate rules. Saves the record to the database, but doesn’t commit yet. Executes all after triggers. ...
AstNode nodeToCheck = astNode;if(SoqlParser.isStringQuery(astNode)){ AstNode parsedQuery = SoqlParser.parseQuery(astNode);if(parsedQuery !=null) { nodeToCheck = parsedQuery; } }if(nodeToCheck.is(ApexGrammarRuleKey.QUERY_EXPRESSION) && !nodeToCheck.hasDescendant(ApexGrammarRuleKey.LIMIT_SENT...