为了确定HBase表是否在线,可以使用以下代码进行检查: importorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;importorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;importorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;importorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;publicclassHBaseTableStatus{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args)throwsE...
既然不一致,咱就尝试修复一下(这个功能要管理权限,使用慎重): hbase hbck -repair table 1. 修复完了以后结果如下: Summary: Table hbase:meta is okay. Number of regions: 1 Deployed on: ctum2f0602005.idc.wanda-group.net,60020,1482504754412 Table idctag:user_basic_info is okay. Number of regio...
HBase管理与监控——HBase region is not online 发现有些regison程序操作失败,其他region 都是正常的,重启regionserver 后依然报同样的错误。 首先进入hbase的bin目录,执行下面命令检查表是否有存储一致性问题: hbase hbck -details table 如出现以下提示,则说明有不一致的地方,2表示个数: 2inconsistencies detected...
[HBase]ERROR: Region is not online 重启HBase后,进入hbase shell 进行 scan 、get 、create等操作均报错: ERROR: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: Region is not online: .META.,,1 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionSe...
针对"hbase region is not online"的问题,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查HBase服务状态: 首先,确保HBase服务是运行状态。可以使用HBase Shell命令status来查看HBase集群的整体状态。 shell hbase shell status 这个命令会列出所有RegionServer的状态,确认它们是否都处于正常运行状态。 查看Region状态并定位...
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: Region iot_flow_cdr_201811,4379692584601-2101152593-20181115072326-355,1536703383699.82804f639798d0502dd64e6e47d75d84. is not online on shqz-ps-iot3-cdr-dn01,60020,1524812940505 at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HRegionServer.getRegionByEncoded...
1、hbase hbck -fixMeta 修复meta表信息,利用regioninfo信息,重新生成对应meta row填写到meta表中,并为其填写默认的分配regionserver。 2、hbase hbck -fixHdfsHoles 修复region缺失,利用缺失的rowkey范围边界,生成新的region目录以及regioninfo填补这个空洞。
1、查看 hbase 的请求数量是否过高,查看Request Per Second 并不高,排除热点问题,经过以上命令修复,一定要重启hbase,否则监控页还会有大量的region in RIT
I did some load testing on my hbase cluster based on cdh 4.6 .Data got inserted correctly on hbase tables and also indexed on solr as I am using lily.How ever when I try to ingest data now I am getting the below exception and also not able to scan any tables. Looks like clinet ...
I did some load testing on my hbase cluster based on cdh 4.6 .Data got inserted correctly on hbase tables and also indexed on solr as I am using lily.How ever when I try to ingest data now I am getting the below exception and also not able to scan any tables. Looks like clinet ...