作为webservice服务端,接口对接测试时,客户在调用接口出现 org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Marshalling Error: XXXX is not known to this conte,情况与博主原文一样,故此做一个标记;详情请点击博主原文链接
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Marshalling Error: com.gdservices.model.thirdparty.TpMat is not known to this context at org.apache.cxf.jaxb.JAXBEncoderDecoder.marshall( JAXBEncoderDecoder.java:170) at org.apache.cxf.jaxb.io.DataWriterImpl.write(DataWriterImpl.java :42) at org.apache.cxf.i...
imports in the proxy classes for the methods or ObjectFactory etc... But when I now try to call the service I get the error from the subject, that the method is not known to this context. What confuses me even more is that I applied the some procedure with other services and they wor...
class com.test.xxx nor any of its super class is known to this context. 按照上面连接里描述的 多创建了一个辅助类,把ArrayList封装在这个类中 返回这个封装类即可 上面是使用jdk自带的webservice api出的问题 二,如果是用CXF出现 nor any of its super class is known to this context,你需要指明集合里...
Caused by: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.x509.X509CRLObject nor any of its super class is known to this context. at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getBeanInfo(JAXBContextImpl.java:554) ...
as i get older as i have indicated as i known as i mentioned previo as i sit in this smok as if by magic inconc as if disjoined by so as if he had a potato as if just yesterday as if seemingly seale as if separated by a as if to nothing as if to yishouzhetia as if wed ...
“Painters, sculptors — they’ve all tried to make the best of this ordinary face, but I’m afraid there’s not much hope. What did you have in mind, Miss Ream? A bust(半身像)?” Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice. “Of ...
classcom.test.xxxnoranyofitssuperclassisknowntothiscontext.按照上面连接里描述的多创建了一个辅助类,把ArrayList封装在这个类中返回这个封装类即可 上面是使用jdk自带的webserviceapi出的问题 二,如果是用CXF出现 noranyofitssuperclassisknowntothiscontext,你需要指明集合里面存放的具体类型 ...
what the animals tell what the eye does not what the future is what the love is what this crazy feeli what though before us what time do you make what time does the sh what to assess what to download new what to eat what type of what u did what value what war is over what was...
文档标签: 解决WebServicenoranyofitssuperclassisknowntothiscontext 系统标签: syncmethod dorun arraylist webservice 客户端连接 list 问题:WebService客户端连接调试时,出现以下问题。 javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException -with...