50384 - 2013.2 Vivado 时序 - ERROR: [Constraints-443] set_max_delay -datapath_only: 't1_reg/Q' is not a valid start point Description 应用set_max_delay constraint 时遇到如下错误。 ERROR: [Constraints-443] set_max_delay -datapath_only: 't1_reg/Q' is not a valid start ...
1)问题描述 有时候vivado会莫名的出现一下错误: [Runs 36-335] 'xxx.dcp' is not a valid design checkpoint 在遇到这个错误的时候大家不要怕,请看下图: ( 2)解决方法 我们先点击“Reset Output Products”,等待完毕之后执行“Generate Output Products&rdq... 查看原文 Vivado-ECO修改网表进行加速debug 。 ...
新手,Vivado生成比特流的时候,出现了如下错误,不知道什么意思也不知道该如何解决: [Route 35-3] Design is not routable as its congestion level is 6. 0 2017-6-7 20:57:43 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 倪健 相关推荐 • 如何使用Vivado生成特定的部分比特流 3632 • 请问如何在Vivado中更改比特流文件...
在Vivado中,遇到错误消息“[vivado 12-5447] synth_ip is not supported in project mode, please use non-project mode”时,表明你正在尝试在项目模式(Project Mode)下使用synth_ip命令,而这个命令仅支持在非项目模式(Non-Project Mode)下使用。下面我将分点解释这个问题,并提供解决方案。 1. 解释错误消息的含...
59657 - Vivado Implementation - [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (PDRC-154) Physical design rule - Invalid the driving cell XX_1 is not adjacent below it configuration: is not adjacent below it configuration: Description During the write_bitstream stage, I receive the following DRC error message: ...
localparam is not being recognized by Vivado 2023.1. I get no syntax errors, but when I try to run the RTL Analysis, I get the error: [Synth 8-36] 'IW' is not declared ["/path/to/file.v":##] The code is pretty simple: module AX #( parameter NBII = 10 , parameter NBFI =...
WARNING: [Labtools 27-3361] The debug hub core was not detected. Resolution: 1. Make sure the clock connected to the debug hub (dbg_hub) core is a free running clock and is active. 2. Make sure the BSCAN_SWITCH_USER_MASK device property in Vivado Hardware Manager reflects the user sc...
and is usually used to access the native JTAG interface of the Kintex-7 FPGA (e.g. to program the device using Vivado). However, the FTDI chip also exposes a second serial link that is routed to GPIO pins on the FPGA, and we leverage this to wire up the JTAG from the RISC-V debu...
71779 - Vivado - [Route 35-19] Driver is not a routable pin issued after ECO commands Description I have a design that uses ECO commands to change the reset connection of a register from an active signal to a constant '1' or Vcc. However, the routing of these connections fails, and...
Vivado gives "Unsupported RAM template" error when read-side is coded below write-side for True Dual-Port RAM inferrence. Vivado 2013.4. This example is from user guide: (http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2013_4/ug901-vivado-synthesis.p...