这个错误的直接原因是 Verilog 不支持 Data_i[i*8-1:i*8-8] 这种语法。如果把向量的位选取写成 v...
Hello, I am trying to make a simple for loop to add up a parameterizable count of numbers, all in the same clock cycle( I am aware that this may
这个是用c语言写电路。那个for里面的i需要定义为genvar i;另外从你写的逻辑看,你是希望那个shift_reg不断的变化,但是你这么写的话。系统会认为是一个组合逻辑,所以会立刻计算出结果。你需要写成时续逻辑的电路,用always @(posedge clk)begin ...end ...
assign 不能放在if里,除非是generate if。如果用always,就不能用assign
endtask检测的时候出错ERROR:HDLCompiler:44 - "E:\NoC_Verilog\Bufferless\Bufferless_shuang_tiao\port_Allocation.v" Line 132: i is not a constantLihq_ fpga逛吧 1 没有使用always 块,在外面套一个always就行了 晴天AN配 fpga新手 4 你好我的问题也是跟你一样,使用寄存器给向量位赋值时报错,...
avocatory avogadros constant avoid a bubble econom avoid accidental inju avoid alcohol nicotin avoid deep inheritanc avoid disappointment avoid disputes avoid high temperatur avoid more money avoid over exaggerati avoid personal items avoid phenomenon avoid sth avoid the watercooler avoid trouble wheneve...
Warning (10763): Verilog HDL warning at niosv_g_core_nios_system_intel_niosv_g_0_hart.sv(1698): case statement has overlapping case item expressions with non-constant or don't care bits - unable to check case statement for completenessWarning (10270): Verilog ...
goconst— Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant. gocyclo— Calculate cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code. gofmt -s— Checks if the code is properly formatted and could not be further simplified. gofumpt— Enforce a stricter format than gofmt, while bein...