Appending CPPFLAGS from environment: '-march=native -msse4a -mfma -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI' |Dependency threads found: YES |Build targets in project: 9 | |Subproject pevents finished. ERROR: <mesonbuild.interpreter.Interpreter object at 0x7f74eaabad68> is not a target...
ORA-00245: control file backup failed; target is likely on a local file system RMAN> RMAN> Recovery Manager complete. 报错内容为控制文件备份失败,备份目的地可能在一个本地文件系统,截图如下: 2、分析 客户的生产环境是一套rac 11g环境,控制文件快照备份设置到可单节点本地导致其他实例无法写入快照文件,故...
21、之前Product Name是跟随新建的target名字,能不能是因为product name和 target的名字对不上导致的打包失败。 22、改回$(TARGET_NAME) 跟target的名字一致,Display Name也跟着变成了target的英文名。两次打包成功。还真是这个原因。在plist中把app显示的名字单独改一下(CFBundleDisplayName),写死就ok了。 23、那为...
catkin_create_pkg B rospy roscpp A 3. catkin_make,即得到上述错误。 原因分析: A包输出了并不存在的库(LIBRARIES A),导致B包find_package()在寻找A库的时候无法找到。 当去掉LIBRARIES A的时候,find_package()将不会寻找LIBRARIES A,因此CMAKE配置通过。
Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. 一直以为是数据驱动JAR问题,后来验证了两点: 1:spring boot 2.0之后,数据库连接SQL server用: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> ...
The SAN policy for the source server OS is Offline Shared. This means the data disks will be offline on the target server after the migration is complete.If you do not ne
Stash fail to connect to MySQL database. The following appearson the UI: The target database is not configured for UTF-8 support. For information about creating a database for use with Stash, please refer to the Stash documentation.If you continue ...
It’s possible that you added multiple entries in the main /etc/apt/sources.list file. You should not have but you are not familiar with things so you did it. Now it complains about duplicate entroes in the same file. W: Target Packages (universe/binary-amd64/Packages) is configured mu...
Error: Target container is not a DOM element. 作为一个React小白,今天我尝试照着官网页面上的小例子做一些练习。在练习过程中遇到了这么一个问题,错误见下图。 之所以会报这个错误是因为,我在index.js文件中将“elementId”自定义了。 解决方法: 如果想要自定义elementId,需要同时修改index.html 文件中主dom节点...
The target system in the Vector Hardware Manager is the VN8914 (not the local PC). CAN1 and CAN2 are assigned to the piggies on the VN8972, CAN3 is assigned to the VN1630A. In CANoe/CANalyzer the RT Server connection needs to be activated to use the VN8914 in distributed...