advaita = non-duality of the Universal Spirit with the individual soul advaita vedanta = Upanishadic philosophy founded by Acharya Gaudapada and developed by Acharya Shankara that propounds unqualified monism, holding that the individual self (atman) and the deep reality (Brahman) are identical agama...
The meaning and significance of enlightenment to me is, and I truly believe always has been, the final attainment of nonduality, not only as inner vision but as that expression of singularity and undivided purity of intention that leaves no room for doubt, confusion or ambiguity. Simply becau...
Delusions:False, but strongly held beliefs, which feel entirely real to the sufferer. They can cause the individual to have a greatly exaggerated belief ( Delusion of Grandeur ) in his or her own importance, power, knowledge, abilities, or identity. Some people have delusions of persecution (...
The 4 Horsemen usher in the Beast Kingdom; the Crowned White Horse aka Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” conquers with a Bow=Strongs #5115 Poison and #5088 Tikto “Simplest Fabric” Strong Delusion: Graphene is a Toxin (Pharmakon) used in Chemtrails, Water Supplies and Vaccines as a 5G...
This is a vain delusion. Yeshuah who is both Lord and Christ must reign until all counter realities that are mere fabrications and assertions of opposed wills are under his feet. The last enemy being death itself. 1 Cor 15:25. Your people, and I assume that you are of Caucasian race ...
1. No one who is currently living on earth has ever seen God. If they tell you that they have seen him, know that they are either delusional or dishonest. God cannot be seen, because he is the seer, the one who sees. In a world of duality, both the subject and the object cannot...
Nearly two thousand years earlier, Jesus of Nazareth pointed to the same thing, in debunking the money-lenders’ illusion (delusion) that “‘Time’ (‘God’) is‘Money'”: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to...
“Isvara” is used or not, the implicit understanding is there. Some later commentators put their own spin on things of course, and a number of different sub-schools exist, including some of which see the Creation as a duality rather than a non-duality. I’m open-minded, but for my ...
— that it is an agent or a patient that it rejoices or grieves, &c. — as if a person under a delusion were to mistake a rope for a snake: 2. that of projection (vikshepa), which, affecting the soul in its state of pure intelligence, raises upon it the appearance of a ...
Some, however, don't realize it. And they delude themselves that the group and the approval of others are identification, legitimization, and meaning. No, it's self-delusion. A greatly distorted self-delusion. A mirage. Everyone shares... suffering and agonizing in analyses, reflections, ...