Words that can be created with an extra letter added to ignobly: Unscramble the letters in ignobly There are 4 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'ignobly'. R: boringly B: lobbying D: bodingly W: bowingly ...
Used as an intensive with certain adjectives A great big kiss. To a great extent or degree. Expenses greatly exceeded revenues this year. He was more greatly beloved than anyone in living memory. (archaic) Nobly; magnanimously. In a great degree; much. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. ...
Adverb ▲ Adverb for carrying an intent to harm “There is anevilundertone in his charming and sociable demeanor.” Adverb ▲ (of a smell or sight)Adverb for extremely unpleasant, offensive or repugnant “Did you just let off thateviland obnoxious smell in the elevator?” ...
have (verb)thus far (adverb describing "have")so nobly (adverb describing "advanced")I've answe...