After the release of the pilot episode of Ninja Kamui this weekend, viewers found themselves hooked on the series almost instantly, as the tried and tested method of the Shinobi theme perfectly complementing the emotional core of a story has worked out pretty well. With the first episode, the...
Adult Swim'soriginal anime,Ninja Kamui,is refreshingly straightforward in its vision of high-tech ninjas. While ninja anime are still plentiful today, they often come with a twist that winds up robbing the archetype of its mystique. Joe Higan's quest for revenge may feel ripped from 80s formu...
they added a new original anime,Ninja Kamui. Adult Swim recently added many original animes, and it seems they don’t plan on stopping. It is a big company that never skips on talent, but in the case of theNinja Kamui, they really pulled out all the ...