the first epistle of the first internet st the first jewish-roma the first mile the first military re the first month of lu the first morning the first nil ii the first part called the first part of the first production the first settlers in the first sex the first signal syst the first...
NASNational Archives of Scotland NASNetwork Area Storage NASNon Ansi Standard NASNbma Arp Server NASNetwork Audio System NASNeeds Assessment Survey(various organizations) NASNASA Advanced Supercomputing NASNon-Access Stratum(3GPP) NASNational Accreditation Standards(Australia) ...
ASBAircraft Support Branch(NASA) ASBAmbient Standards Branch ASBAdvanced Small Business ASBAssociate of the New Zealand Speech Board ASBAutomatic Stand-By ASBArbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland eV(Cologne, Germany) ASBAmerican Sky Broadcasting(News Corp. and MCI) ...
NASA DEVELOPS SYSTEM TO COMPUTERIZE SILENT, 'SUB VOCAL SPEECH' NASA scientists have begun to computerize human, silent reading using nerve signals in the throat that control speech. In preliminary experiments, NASA scientists found that small, button-sized sensors, stuck under the chin and on eithe...
A honeypot is akin to the military version of defense in depth. Many people refer to defense in depth as the castle approach as it mimics the layering of defenses used by medieval castles. Before attackers could get to the castle, they had to beat the moat, ramparts, drawbridge, towers ...
A lorry tracker can be used to support fleet route optimisation, fuel efficiency, driver safety and fleet compliance. Other industries where GPS is used include: agriculture, autonomous vehicles, sales and services, the military, mobile communications, security, and fishing. How accurate is GPS?
The aim of this agency is to increase human understanding of the solar system and the universe that contains it, and to improve American aeronautics ability. Under its charter, NASA is supposed to be a peacetime agency that does not perform military functions, although it does cooperate with ...
Space & Rocket Center museum near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, provides residential and educational programs for children as well as adults on themes such as space exploration, aviation and robotics. There are camps for every age group, even adults! (www.rocketcenter...
Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some amazing map sites, and more. Please contribute. Let's make this guide better! Please follow the Contri...
It’s time to take this out of the hands of the military and give it to scientists equipped to ask and answer the biggest questions.