The culprits at the CRS, were and are likely doing this at the behest of Nancy Pelosi. They need to have the public lime-light shined on them for that they have done and are doing in CYA mode now, need to be publicly exposed and punished. This needs to be exposed to the greater p...
Around the same time, he divorced his wife and remarried. His second wife was a Northerner. Waring had been at best a gradualist, believing that fairer treatment of African-Americans was something to work toward in the future. By the time more cases of racial inequality came to his court...
Nancy Davis, Naomi Davis, Paul Davis, Vicki Davis, Peggy Day Westerman, Brian Day, Doreen Day, Andree De Thiersant, Beatriz De Aguilar, Bernard De La Cour, Celia De Mello, Gisele De Benoit, Hennie De Ridder, Henri De Bruyn, Iria De La Vaccarra, Javier De Aguinaga, Jill De Hochepied...