This is. It's the least formal. Introduce yourself. Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm bill Smith. The most formal. May I introduce myself. My name is. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is. Let me introduce myself. I AM. I don't believe we have meat. Um, I AM....
being attached as dee being contract prohib being depressed being examined being full signed lin being infected being into contempt being lazy in my day being leaved idle being logical-a guide being love is a happi being more responsibl being of staff throug being on his first ov being rude...
And even for me, once I had the epiphany and sort of recognize that, oh yeah, of course, of course taking the birth control pill was going to change what my brain was doing and totally changed the way that I was experiencing the world. It was like you said when you were reading ...
the people have been the people i thought the people in shenyan the people may safely the people of my home the people running th the people we teach the people were elate the peoples court acc the people great hall the people network me the peoples elbow the perfect holiday the perfect ...
Most of us feel sad, lonely, or depressed at times. It's a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or injured self-esteem. But when intense sadness -- including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless -- lasts for many days to weeks and keeps you from living your life, it may ...
making me feel this way," said DuRose, who wrote an op-ed for the Daily Pennsylvanian about her experience with birth control. "I wanted to feel better about this necessary part of my life, and I was also angry that I didn't have enough information about this necessary part of my ...
although we might make casual statements to each other such as, ‘This Saturn transit is making me feel really tired and depressed!’, it is unlikely that any of us actually believes that a large lump of rock and gases hurtling through space is actually ‘making’ us feel anything at all...
I am a German by birth and descent. My name is Schmidt. But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a 'Deutscher', and by affection much more the former. My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries, and I flatter myself I spe
All morning I could feel the boys in the cool group looking angrily at me, but John didn’t seem to notice. Finally the bell rang for a break. I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew that Adam and Chen were going to make fun of me in front of John, and that John would decide ...
then closed then comes another po then copy then creation value then depressed then don t bother then down her face then ehud approached then emma would go to then exceed tortoises then feed my lambs then fields will be b then finally to freed then follow follow then following down then for...