Today, the family home, Arbor Lodge, is a state park in Nebraska City, Nebraska. Over the years, Arbor Lodge grew from a four-room home into a 52-room mansion, complete with a terraced garden, a pine grove, and 65 acres of more than 250 varieties of trees and shrubs. J. Sterling ...
Spawn is nothing but mushroom spores mixed in with sawdust, grain, straw, or woodchips.The great thing about mushroom cultivation is that it doesn’ require soil. You plant the spawn by mixing it in with some substrate medium like composted manure, sawdust, or even coffee grounds. Vermiculite...
food is cool,foodnfoto,foodography,full circle,garden,gardener,gardening,grow stuff,grow your own,grow your own food,local,local farmer,love,my garden,nature photography,north carolina,organic,organic gardening,photography,saturdays,saturdays in the garden,updates,weekends...
But doesn’t the smell of manure take away the enjoyment of this task? The manure we usually use contains a lot of straw so there isn’t much smell. This year we are using mushroom compost which has an earthy aroma – not at all offensive. The guinea pig manure the neighbour brings u...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
The soft, manure-rich bed into which a planted my seedlings is supposed to hold moisture. I tend a walled garden on a roughly south-facing slope. In the bed below the bottom wall I have pumpkins planted also, but these are in un-improved ground. The plants are in full sun throughout...
Mushroom Papaya Watermelon Sweet corn Sweet potato Sweet peas A lot of myths surround organic food which ranges from their nutritional value to their health benefits. Below are some of the common myths of organic food: Organic food is too expensive ...