buildingscanbefoundinhishomeland,aswellasinBenin,Mali,Kenya,Mozambique,TogoandSudan. Whenhewas20,in1985,Kéréearnedavocationalscholarshiptostudycarpentry(木工)in Berlin.Butwhileabsorbedinthepracticalityofroofingandfurnituremaking,healsoattended nightschoolandwasadmittedtoTechnicalUniversityofBerlin,fromwhichhegradua...
E National Parks and Projects are the conversion the analog map projects to digital in 2000 year and is now the conversion of digital infrastructure project to spatial data ecosystem & Biodiversity project to safe the biodiversity of the forest and national park when a projects is implemented that...
(长牙) is usually an advantage for elephants, allowing them to dig for water, peel bark (剥树皮) for food and protect themselves. But because of illegally hunting, those big tusks may invite danger. Now researchers are working out how years of civil war and hunting in Mozambique have led ...
Watching our children grow is—in an odd, inverted way—like watching our parents grow old and die. If we mourn in both cases it is perhaps because we are also weeping for ourselves—for our own impermanence, for our own mortality. For we also mark time, less visibly, in our own bodie...
Mozambique will pursue around $1.5bn in damages at a trial next month over the $2bn ‘tuna bond’ alleged fraud that wrecked the southern African nation’s finances in the past decade, after the UK’s highest court approved bringing a civil claim in London over the scandal. /
If you dream of life on a quiet island, then this is the holiday for you. The island of Quilalea is off the coast of Mozambique and you can only see turtles (海龟) and a few tourists there. You may live like Robinson Crusoe: watch the turtles, go fishing, or travel in a boat to...
Some of us will be leading a response in the “sexy” emergency of the moment (from Bangladesh to Mozambique, Haiti to the Philippines, they come and go), others will ensure all the background work gets done, far away from the spotlights – we are all the former and the later at ...
This causes Mukesh to return , but things turn out differently than the friends hoped for. Light Drops (2002) More like this >> Rui was raised in Mozambique in a small village at the frontier of a mysterious river. Son of Portuguese colonists, his best friend is Ana, a black girl god...
” He travels around Mozambique, visits different villages, and sings the song with people. The message in his lyrics is this: People need to wash their hands to prevent serious diseases. Dos Santos entertains people and teaches them. “You have to use your talent to do good things,” he...
Grown by local families to supplement their incomes, after harvesting it is woven into strings and sold mainly by women at markets in Split, Trogir and Sibenik, or to tourists traveling the coastal roads in summer. Production area: Ljubitovica, Split-Dalmatia region Cyprus Tsamarella The ...