Fair weather friends are not worth much. The Mountain in Labor A MOUNTAIN was once greatly agitated. Loud groans and noiseswere heard, and crowds of people came from all parts to see whatwas the matter. While they were assembled in anxious expectationof some terrible calamity, out came a ...
There are also some extra puzzles of certain varieties that unlock after you've passed a similar type in the game, giving a little extra bang for the buck when the adventure is over. Frankly it's worth it just for the joy of playing a game that doesn't take itself too seriously, ...
albeit not with any score worth speaking of. The whole thing is only about five minutes long, with replay value limited to trying for a higher score. I don't know that there's enough meat behind the concept for me to call for an expansion on it; after all, how many times can you ...
“I shall not be defending profiteers, but a form of society which I hold to be necessary. The institutions which our ancestors have adopted after six thousand years’ experience are worth ten times more than the systems of foolish and boastful hotheads. I stand always for what is.” With ...
We expect then, who the little book (for the care what we wrote him, and for her typographical correction) that may be worth the expectation of the studious persons, and especially of the Youth, at which we dedicate him particularly. With these words, Jose da Fonseca closed his introduction...
Playing Mark Chapman, the man who shot and killed John Lennon, Leto admitted he gained so much weight so abruptly that he suffered gout. "Towards the end of the shoot, one of the glaring issues was the pain I had with my feet," hetold theLos Angeles Times. "I had a wheelchair becau...
This is plausible; it’s worth paying attention to the complexities of power, rather than reducing it to a caricature. Still, if we wanted to be unkind, we could say that what’s really going on here is that advocates of CLS are mostly well-paid professors at prestigious law schools, ...
Put in simplest terms, it’s a very VERY low budget Call of Duty clone, except you’re not playing as the typical patriotic young lad out to distribute democracy to people who have the misfortune to live in whichever foreign country it’s politically-correct to hate this year. Rather, you...
Because he, or she, as an individual, as that person who worked, got bored, got anxious, got tired, didn't know if it would work out, questioned whether it was worth it --- that person is gone. There is just the music. Both the musician and the audience leave the concert hall ...
I rather like to think of it as a pirouette instead of a pivot, both because I love to dance and because I love those damn cookies (3 points for 2 of them, for those of you still playing). And for the one person who had the heart to play last week (who, in full disclosure, ...