Looked at in a slightly different way, from 1992 through 2008, growth equity deals generated a gross multiple of invested capital (MOIC) of 2.0, in line with venture capital and ahead of buyouts (1.7). However, as you might suspect, not all MOICs are created equal. For example, nearly ...
Answering yes could lead to greater adoption As our colleagues explain in "Change vehicles: How robo-taxis and shuttles will reinvent mobility": "To redTuhceemtohdeel ilsedvyenlasmoicfaundnrceegriotnaailnlytsyenssuitrivreo.undingresprheaserentda...
Answering yes could lead to greater adoption As our colleagues explain in "Change vehicles: How robo-taxis and shuttles will reinvent mobility": "To redTuhceemtohdeel ilsedvyenlasmoicfaundnrceegriotnaailnlytsyenssuitrivreo.undingresprheaserentd...