Today, we are releasing build 115.0.1851.0 to the Dev channel, a minor update with fixes. Mobile is getting Dev 115.0.1850.0. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below. Continuing to deliver new AI innovation in Bing and Edge this week Improved reliability:...
[228星][4m] [Py] duo-labs/isthislegit 收集、分析和回复网络钓鱼邮件的框架 [218星][9m] [Go] joncooperworks/judas a phishing proxy [207星][3d] [JS] 409h/etheraddresslookup Adds links to strings that look like Ethereum addresses to your favourite blockchain explorer. Adds protection again...
{"hamburgerLabel":"Side Menu"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-components/community/BrandLogo-1737115705000":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components/community/BrandLogo-1737115705000","value":{"logoAlt":"Khoros","themeLogoAlt":"Brand Logo"},"localOverride":...
Heavily relying on P2P and general console protection, they offer little to no anti cheats. GTAO keys could be purchased for as little as $9 legit in Russia and even cheaper for dubious account used only for cheating. I used to play on PC and I do believe it is the best platform to...
Another example is Mount and Blade Bannerlord. That game is legit not finished and they slapped an unearned 1.0 and declared it out of early access awhile ago. They are still doing occasional patches but it feels like they've already moved on. It's a decent game, but it is, like Starf...
"preModCommentAuthorText":"This comment will be published as soon as it is approved","preModCommentModeratorText":"This comment is awaiting moderation","messageMarkedAsOther":"This post has been rejected due to other reasons","messageMarkedAsOther@board:TKB":"This article has been rejected ...
[228星][4m] [Py] duo-labs/isthislegit 收集、分析和回复网络钓鱼邮件的框架 [218星][9m] [Go] joncooperworks/judas a phishing proxy [207星][3d] [JS] 409h/etheraddresslookup Adds links to strings that look like Ethereum addresses to your favourite blockchain explorer. Adds protection again...
ok… go to and click on DL. then click on firmware. then click iphone firmware 1.1.1. save that to your desk top. then google “apptapp Installer.” i dont remember where i got that from but its not hard to find. now you are ready… connect your phone...
The TML Steam Workshop has over 6000 mods for you to enjoy! Coupled with the in-game mod browser, the TML Steam Workshop is a great way to explore what modded Terraria has to offer - check it out today by clicking the banner above!
they even use smart aimbots that don't hit 100% headshots, they leave a few body shots here and there to make it look legit. The report function is not just cosmetic, people get banned all the time. Please continue to report suspected cheaters, thanks. ...