the ’90s that MLK Day was accepted and celebrated all over the country. New Hampshire was the final state to adopt it as a paid holiday in 1999. Popular upcoming holidays you may be interested in Derg Downfall Day Harvest Festival Pentecost Eve...
Is Presidents’ Day a Federal Holiday? Today, George Washington’s Birthday is one of only 11 permanent federal holidays established by Congress observed each year. One of the great traditions followed for decades has been the reading of George Washington’s Farewell Address by a U.S. senator...
As of June 17, 2021, Juneteenth is the twelfthfederal legal holiday. A number of states also recognize it as a state legal holiday, and most states honor it as a day of observance. TheSenate unanimously passeda resolution on June 15, 2021 to give Juneteenth the legal holiday status. A...
the event featured a black Boston Police commissioner and a black congresswoman from Massachusetts. Rep. Ayanna Pressley got a rockstar’s reception from the crowd of 1,000-plus at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. She paid tribute to MLK and...
ago. See, the ‘Black Sox’ (as they came to be known) were just part of a culture of sports-bet fixing that had become endemic. The players assumed that this was acceptable behavior, because of the corruption all around them. They went out and got drunk on the money they were paid...