>_<!同时Myeclipse下的problem中出现一堆error,提示:Project ‘XXX’ is missing required library:'[path] \ XXX.jar'. 解决: 出现这种情况的原因是:在你项目的build path Library中存在重复并且冲突或者地址引用错误的jar包,可以这样来解决: ① 右击项目--->选Build path--->再选Configure build Path; ② ...
Eclispe报错: Project 'xxx' is missing required library: 'D:\Workspaces\javatest\lib\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar' 原因:在你项目的build path Library中存在重复并且冲突或者地址引用错误的jar包。 解决: 右击项目,如下操作:Build Path → Configue Buil... ...
为什么Myeclipse 提示Project 'bankmanager' is missing required library,myeclipse项目上红叉 但内部红叉 应该是正在使用的项目是从网上下的或者别人那里直接拷贝导致的,解决办法: 下一个mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar或者是最新版,最好放项目目录里右键点项目,Build path - Configure build Path移除带红叉的...
使用generatorSqlmapCustom对数据库进行***,生成接口和xml,还有实体时出错: Project 'generatorSqlmapCustom' is missing required library:' 'lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar 表示当前工程lib目录下的mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-bin... ‘XXX
为什么Myeclipse 提示Project 'bankmanager' is missing required library,myeclipse项目上红叉 但内部红叉,应该是正在使用的项目是从网上下的或者别人那里直接拷贝导致的,解决办法:下一个mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar或者是最新版,最好放项目目录里右键点项目
Type Project 'generatorSqlmapCustom' is missing required library: 'lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.28-b,使用generatorSqlmapCustom对数据库进行逆向工程,生成接口和xnnector-java-5.1.28-bin.jar包缺失,删除失效的mysqljar包路径,重新下载一个新的mysql的jar包放入l
Project myProject is missing required library: 'C:\Program Files\Tomcat 5.5.23\common\lib\servlet-api.jar' I am using eclipse 3.2 and I can't compile a project that I have imported to my workspace.
Dynamics Crm it keeps stopping the installation in the middle when I have to enter the SQL reporting server. So I am trying to add the features to the SQL server but it keeps giving me a message "The Instance ID is required but it is missing." Does anyone know how to resolve this ...
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