Is Microsoft Forms down right now? It was unreachable, then seemed to be up for a moment and now it's back down. Help!! p.s. We're in the Government cloud. Show More microsoft forms Like 0 Reply View Full Discussion (14 Replies) Anqi Du MicrosoftDec 17, 2018 Hi Cori Newlander,...
Microsoft Forms Hi Anqi, Thanks a lot for the investigation done on this issue. Is it possible to get the form's owner who created this form? If so, could you please provide it. Thanks again for your support. Regards, Arun Kumar D Hi Anqi, Thanks a lot for your support an...
UTCNow、UTCToday和IsUTCToday函数与非 UTC 函数相同,但使用与时区无关的值并使用协调世界时(UTC)。 备注 UTCNow、UTCToday和IsUTCToday仅在公式列中可用 Microsoft Dataverse for Teams ,并且仅适用于与时间无关的字段和值。 Now、Today和IsToday在 Dataverse for Teams 公式列中不可用,因为评估是在不知道当前用...
UTCNow、UTCToday和IsUTCToday函数与非 UTC 函数相同,但使用与时区无关的值并使用协调世界时(UTC)。 备注 UTCNow、UTCToday和IsUTCToday仅在公式列中可用 Microsoft Dataverse for Teams ,并且仅适用于与时间无关的字段和值。 Now、Today和IsToday在 Dataverse for Teams 公式列中不可用,因为评估是在不知道当前用...
Then click on the Navigation pane drop down and make sure that Show libraries has a check next to it. Highlight all of the libraries (Documents, Pictures, Music, and Videos), right-click and choose Delete. On the left-hand pane, select Libraries, right-click and choose ...
2. If your Microsoft account is closed (whether by you or us), a few things happen. First, your right to use the Microsoft account to access the Services stops immediately. Second, we’ll delete Data or Your Content associated with your Microsoft account or will otherwise disassociate it fr...
If the Surface device previously experienced an unexpected shutdown, the SSD drive cache might have been corrupted, and you'll see the drive cache rebuild icon in the lower right corner of your screen. Wait for at least 5 minutes for the cache to be rebuilt. ...
Find the Windows computer that is right for you with this quiz from Microsoft. Choose the best PC to buy based on size, performance, portability, and more.
You should now be able to type into the command prompt. In thecmd.exewindow, type the following (including the starting") and pressEnter, to update Office: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\officec2rclient.exe" /update USER For...
Error: "We cant connect to xbox service right now”Are you gettings this error, maybe together with a 0xc1010190 or 0xc00d1198? I didn’t spend much...Date: 12/11/2012Windows 8 - Nothing happens when you initiate a shutdown or hangs at the “shutting down” donut.On my corporate ...