So I’ve been sitting a lot, and taking a lot of ibuprofen and slathering the joint with menthol-smelling goo. It’s not as bad as it was, but I don’t think it’s really going to get better. Maybe next year’s building project will be adding a lame-old-man ramp to the porch....
Spearmint Oil is very similar to Peppermint oil. However, a unique property of Spearmint oil is that it contains much less menthol than Peppermint. This gives us the freedom of lessening the menthol sting in our custom toothpaste. Like its close relative, Spearmint has much the same anti-bact...
but it sounds right to me. Not that I don’t believe that our actions have real repercussions, and that those repercussions may even be beyond the physical realm (eye for an eye type thinking) But it feels right to say that shifting the underlying thought pattern that produced the “bad ...
In contrast to its mRNA expression, Cx26 protein levels were significantly downregulated by 3 GTX chemicals, namely 2NF, benzyl alcohol (BEA) and CYCLO, the NGTX chemical tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA) and the 2 NC chemicals, D,L-menthol (DLM) and diclofenac sodium (DFS) (Figure 3)...