commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
sellschaftaus,sonderngehtmehraufdiePerspektivederJungenein,wodurchsieHilfs-bedürftigkeit,aber auch eine gewisse Eigenverantwortung abbildet.Es erfolgt ein einseitiger Fokus auf die Randgruppe der Migranten. Andere imRoman abgebildete gesellschaftliche Problematiken,wie allgemeine familiäre Probleme...
The modern slang form was first used by the humorist and essayist Nakamori Akio in 1983 in his essay “Research for Otaku”. He used the word in a pejorative way to refer to unpleasant anime fans.After that, anime fan groups started to use the term “Otaku” to label themselves in a ...
I use tone to determine if someone I haven’t yet met in real life is worth my time. I look for inconsistencies to determine how straight-forward they are being with me. I look at word usage and flow to determine if someone is “fluffing” our interactions to appear more intelligent, o...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...
commonly used slang with sentiment value (e.g., nah, meh and giggly). We empirically confirmed the general applicability of each feature candidate to sentiment expressions using a wisdom-of-the-crowd (WotC) approach (Surowiecki, 2004) to acquire a valid point estimate for the sentiment valence...