While various fees are associated with loans, they are always communicated clearly and taken from the money you are being loaned. Real lenders will never guarantee a loan before checking your credit history and will never accept strange fee payment forms like gift cards, prepaid debit cards, or ...
A half-assed Cuban rapper wanted in the United States for a giant Medicare scam which fleeced boatloads of money from the federal program. I had never heard of Gilbert Man before I saw the video, nor after – until we were preparing the kids’ donations. Turns out that after he was c...
When my oldest daughter was in her early years, playing with her toys, you would hear her say to her them, ‘It’s morning time’ and then get them out of their sleeping places. For some reason her little voice repeating this phrase showed up inside my head as I was looking at the ...
With many online companies, you need to figure that part out on your own. If you already have a good foundation, though, there is no need to buy a new one. As long as it is a solid, breathable surface, your Saatva will work great. Does it Work with an Adjustable Bed? Another ...
Each morning, I wake to this nightmare that is our new “normal”, don mask, pick out my pandemic-designated clothing for the day, change to my outdoor shoes and walk Toby. Luckily I live in a neighborhood that allows me to just cross the street whenever I see someone coming my way....
We’ve been working with a senior advisor to set up a trust so she can get Medicaid which will pay for home care in a way that her Medicare won’t. We are working to get her the VA benefits she’s entitled to since my dad was a veteran during the Korean War. We’ve had to ...
We get Social Security and Medicare so can not be neutral on that subject. How about eliminating departments that seem counterproductive, like the Department of Education? Or combine two or more of the following departments for efficiencies: State, Treasury, Defense, Attorney General, Interior, ...
Elaine had previously been a patient at the hospital she was taken to, she had Medicare and Medicare Advantage insurance and everything she needed. Or so she thought. Even though she was stable, injuries to her mouth made her unable to speak, so she was unable to speak for herself. Over...