The middling opening episodes of Kurt Sutter's "Mayans M.C." set a sturdy foundation for a drama that has yet to catch fire. [Review]
The Maya were never a cohesive empire. Instead, they made up a larger culture that consisted of various kingdoms and city-states. The power and influence of these kingdoms waxed and wanes over the centuries, and their sizes varied accordingly. Some Mayan kingdoms were quite small throughout the...
The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond. The day of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER. Enjoy the water, California!!! Trump is...
What biker gang is the Mayans based on? They are in part loosely based onthe real-life Mongols MC. The Oakland charter has more direct control over the other Mayan charters, due to being a smaller club compared to the Sons of Anarchy. ...
Team Meat has a game about cats - Mew-Genics is an upcoming Android/iOS game from Super Meat Boy developer Team Meat that features over 12,207,031,250,000,000,000,000 cats. Instabuy, right? Yup. Also worth noting: co-creator Edmund McMillen says it's the strangest project he's ever...
s endingwherein the Apple of Eden displays a hologram of the world marking areas where other Pieces of Eden are located. Over the course of the series’ 17-year-long history, many of these locations have been the focus of several games, such as Egypt inAssassin’s Creed Origins, New ...
There isn't one culprit, but a few, some of which we became familiar with during the pandemic a few years ago. Nerd Walletsays operating costs for every area, from the farm to the supermarket, have risen over the past several years. Then there are supply chain issues. Costs rose during...
Leucine rich repeats (LRRs) are present in over 60,000 proteins that have been identified in viruses, bacteria, archae, and eukaryotes. All known structures of repeated LRRs adopt an arc shape. Most LRRs are 20-30 residues long. All LRRs contain LxxLxLxxNxL, in which "L" is Leu, ...
Moreover, s/he who has mastered to willingly travel to the Real of Dreams is called Dreamworker or ‘Dreamwalker‘. What to do if this happens: To access the Realm of Dreams requires patience and practice. However, if something like this happens you need to write it down and begin a ...
They probably won’t find her. She went into the dark water with a rune carved in birch, a ship filled with automatic weapons and a ritual. If she was successful, it’s all over now. If she failed, the dreams will begin tonight. ...