Master Roshi's power retcononce again makes him someone who can keep up with at least some of the Z-Warriors. In the past, it was clear that Roshi had been surpassed by Krillin, Tien,Yamcha, and evenChiaotzu, but this may no longer be true. If he's stronger than Tien, there's a...
In the manga, Yamcha for whatever reason vanished after Piccolo took off to fight the Androids and thus isn't there to commentate on the fighting with Tien, Master Roshi and Krillin. The anime version keeps Yamcha around for the most part and has him commentate with the other two. In th...
10Piccolo Works As A Team Alongside Gohan, Krillin, Tien & Master Roshi To Take Down Dium Dragon Ball Super, Episode 99, "Show Them! Krillin's Underlying Strength!" The Tournament of Power is a multiversal competition between the strongest fighters in existence where the price of failure is...