The Divine God Animals of Egypt are Sobek, crocodile-headed god of the Nile; Sekhmet, leonine goddess of war; Anubis, jackal god of the underworld; and Hathor, mother goddess with a cow's horns , Bastet was the goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health. She had ...
One thing we Christians have a difficult time understanding is that a Jew never looked for the Kingdom of God as something in heaven. His hope was always the restoration of the Kingdom of David here on earth where Israel would rule the nations. Jesus was manifesting the power of the King...
The Bible is filled with superstitious beliefs that modern people rightly reject. It describes a world where a snake and a donkey communicated with human beings in a human language, where people could reach upward of 900 years old, where a woman instantaneously transformed into a pillar of salt...
“TheBible,or adaptations of the King James version of theBible,refer to Jehovah and Yahweh as if they were the Creator God of all Universes, which they were not. They were lesser beings holding authority during those periods of history. This ‘mis-translation’ corrected, in itself, should ...
The agreement between all this, and the case of a sinner, on Christ's manifesting himself to his soul, is very striking. He does not, on this account, think sin a less, but a greater evil; and yet he is so armed against despair, as even to rejoice in what God hath wrought, ...
Dear Loved Ones, we are not the first Christians to fail, but remember it is Christ’s faith, power and strength, yes, His grace that will get us through, call out to Him, because you cannot defeat sin or sickness in our own strength, the Bible says that the flesh profiteth nothing...
The fall equinox is about finding balance and manifesting abundance. This time of equal day and night is marked by the peak of harvest season, which can be interpreted as the physical harvest of food or the energetic harvest of the fruits of your spiritual labor. 21/09/2023 New Libyan ...
of my past struggles against CIA. He told me, “CIA pretty much knows everything we do at NPI. It was set up that way from the start.” Cohen was qualified to speak on this subject. He had been a consultant for the State Department, the U.S. Army and the World Health Organization...
I have been overwhelmed these past few years with expressions of love, manifesting the love of the Trinity. I am not completely sure how to understand it or reconcile that I feel so unworthy sometimes. God’s ways are not our ways though. Turning the world on its head is something God ...
God's Glory manifesting Liberty & Justice for ALL who love Him(653) God's prophetic clock preset before the foundations of earth. Choose Jesus today. This minute!(1,266) God's Word (Biblical Scripture) is ALIVE! Jesus is The Word made flesh.(400) ...