Is manifesting a sin? Manifesting is the teaching that if you believe in something hard enough, it will come true. Manifestation is part of the law of attraction, which comes from The Secret book and movie.Many followers of this movement have shared on the official The Secret website that ...
This cult mentality Lindsay describes as manifesting in Christianity and Marxism springs from the more ancient and potent “critical consciousness” of jews. They translate their cabalist term “tikkun olam” as “social justice”. It means: “help us dismantle the (non-jew) system and build a ...
Christianity’s invention of Hell is a gift to anyone seeking truth because it decisively reveals the man-made nature of the faith. Hell is not discussed in the Old Testament, but that didn’t stop Jesus from announcing it many times in the Gospels, mostly in a very threatening tone. He ...
In Christianity, the “trick” is to honor all, but never put anyone on a pedestal. It is always sheer ignorance which causes us to elevate men above their God given station. …… Jesus is the Light. If you have Him you have the Light Jesus is the Truth. If you have Him you have...
One thing we Christians have a difficult time understanding is that a Jew never looked for the Kingdom of God as something in heaven. His hope was always the restoration of the Kingdom of David here on earth where Israel would rule the nations. Jesus was manifesting the power of the King...
Spiritual Warfare, Manifesting Spots and Wrinkles Standing Alone Star of Bethlehem – the science Star of David at Tehran Airport Star of Jacob (Yacov) State of the Union Statement of Faith and Vision Statement Stay in the Boat! Steve Munsey and his ignorance of the Jewish calendar Stone of...
Christianity was always a pagan religion started in Egypt 200-300 years before Yeshua ministered as Second Adam. Not one of Yeshua’s disciples were crestianus “christian”). The Roman imperialists saw to it that it ,along with many of the other pagan religions in their wicked empire, were...
Sin is also becoming more aggravated: it is premeditated, it begins in the setting of worship, and it directly harms a brother, who deserves love. After his sin, far from manifesting guilt or remorse, Cain confesses nothing, refuses to repent, and chides God for the harshness of his ...
8:32-39 All things whatever, in heaven and earth, are not so great a display of God's free love, as the gift of his coequal Son to be the atonement on the cross for the sin of man; and all the rest follows upon union with him, and interest in him. All things, all which can...
3Therefore I also said, ‘I will not drive them out before you; but they will becomeas thornsin your sides and their gods will be a snare to you.’‘4Whenthe angel of YHVHspoke these words to all the sons of Israel, the people lifted up their voices and wept....