Openterminalin mac and write the following command: nano ~/.zprofile After writing the above command,you are into bash_profile equivalent of zsh. Considering, you are an advanced user, here you can write configurations,setup environment variablesand add other concerned changes in the profile. The...
(1) 不使用bash,切换zsh,`chsh -s /bin/zsh`命令切换即可。 (2) 继续使用bash,但又不想出现提示语,则在 vim ~/.bash_profile .bash_profile文件最下方加上 # macOS Catalina export BASH_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNING=1 :wq 保存退出重新打开命令行警示语消失。
So I extracted twsapi_macunix. 970.01.jar to a zip file and got the "IBjts" Folder but when I tried to open it through Terminal I got this.. solestresss-imac:~ Solestress$ cd desktop solestresss-imac:desktop Solestress$ cd IBjts solestresss-imac:IBjts Solestress$ Is -bash: Is:...
The most convenient way to test the app is by building for the “My Mac” target. For debugging iOS-specific functionality, a mostly-functional terminal does work in the Simulator. It will spawn with a weird prompt that says “I have no name!”, as Simulator seems to block access to ma...
12288 Mar 21 12:09 .bash_profile.swp 1120 Mar 21 12:16 .bash_sessions I dont know much about it. I followed the instruction because I wanted to setup rJava on my mac Rstudio and use the openNLP package. Will they influence my anything on my MAC? what should I do to recover ?
ov - feature rich terminal pager ov is a terminal pager. Feature 1.1. Not supported Install 2.1. deb package 2.2. rpm package 2.3. MacPorts (macOS) 2.4. Homebrew(macOS or Linux) 2.5. winget(windows) 2.6. pkg (FreeBSD) 2.7. Arch Linux 2.8. nix (nixOS, Linux, or macOS) 2.9. Bi...
Enter this into the Terminal prior to running the installer: Code Block bash sudo nvram IASUCatalogURL= 2 Copy kmcbride answer ...
bash_history is empty Folks, Something very strange happened with the Mac OS X Mojave terminal, when I logout or type exit or command + d, the following message appears: $ logout Saving session ... ... copying shared history ...
I am a MAC user and the system is Sonoma 14.4.1. Right now I am trying to install Vim according to this webpage Vim. macOS Setup Guide. Everything went well except when I tried to install Maximum Awesome. When I tried to install it, the output of the terminal is ...
1 Bash: iterate from last to first member of an array 0 git command for path of local git repository 453 How can I get the behavior of GNU's readlink -f on a Mac? 259 How to retrieve absolute path given relative See more linked questions Related 49 git: a quick command to ...