So far, the results have been mixed. Lynx Air announced that it was going out of business in February, whileFlair Airlines has flirted with bankruptcy since it had a sizeable debt to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Related Canadian Airline Lynx Air To Shut Down After 2 Years ...
So-called commodity trading advisers (CTAs), including Leda Braga’s Systematica and Stockholm-based Lynx Asset Management, have posted losses of close to 10 per cent year to date, according to numbers seen by the Financial Times, while others have struggled to make money. /
FC Santa Claus Juniorit was formed in 1994 under the name FC Lynx. In 2013, after partnering with the two Rovaniemi clubs, RoPS and FC Santa Claus it became known as FC Santa Claus Juniorit . The junior club hosts the Santa Claus Cup each summer for boys and girls teams, an event wh...
Masten Space Systems, and XCOR Aerospace, both of Mojave, Calif., are also building suborbital spaceships called Xaero and Lynx, respectively. However, even when suborbital passenger flights do begin to take off, they won't come cheap. Tickets on SpaceShipTwo are priced at $200,000 per seat ...
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