The story behind this eerie location starts with a wealthy local man who contributed a collection of statues on the condition that they make one statue to honor his deceased daughter, Mona. The circumstances surrounding Mona's death are vague, but according to folklore, Mona and the sailor she...
According to the Scientology scriptures, the body is mortal but the thetan is immortal and the Sea Org Elite is to come back to help mankind to live without wars, conflicts, sickness, and poverty. They have been dedicated to their humanitarian mission and out of selfless concern for the we...
Clare Howard– 1991. “The former secretary of Alan Baer, who arranged Baer’s pedophile trysts, Howard ‘died in her sleep’in 1991.” Mike Lewis– “a former caregiver for victim-witness Loretta Smith. Hedied of a ‘severe diabetic reaction‘ at the age of 32.” Joe Malek– “associat...