Explain what is a hyphenated compound. What is a semicolon used for? What is the difference between "in" and "on" in grammar? What is the difference between grammar and syntax? A hyphen should be used between two parts of a compound word any time that combining th...
The choice between well-being and wellbeing is regional or dependent on your audience for the preferred spelling. In North America, the spelling is hyphenated. Merriam-Webster, considered the definitive dictionary for American English, gives only the hyphenated spelling (well-being). Collins Dictionar...
A key question is obviously how close to the original the film is. Since a typical film is only around two hours long, it becomes a question for screenwriters to decide what is appropriate for the screen and what to leave out. Screenwriters take creative liberty and sometimes there may be...
A hyphen connects two elements that are joined together to function as one word. Here are some examples of hyphenated words: best-seller, two-year-old, pre-Hanukkah, and anti-racist. An em dash cannot be used as a hyphen (and a hyphen, likewise, cannot be used as a hyphen). The rul...
hyphenated words of varying length tubes that carry the information we used to store in books but also store on disks inside of boxes with blinking lights consumption of meat and meat like products As you can see, these are top of mind subjects that any podcast listener would find to be ut...
Array<String> :hyphen_attrs %w(data) Attributes which will be hyphenated if a Hash is given (e.g. data={a_foo:1,b:2} will render as data-a_foo="1" data-b="2") Boolean :hyphen_underscore_attrs false Attributes that have underscores in their names will be hyphenated (e.g. data...
a hyphenated word is a combination of two or more words joined together by a hyphen. it is often used to form new, compound words, such as "mother-in-law" or "e-book." for the most part, they are used to make longer words easier to read and understand, especially when they ...
Is New Age hyphenated? Thehyphenated form is used when the two words together describe something else, such as "new-age music" or "new-age artist". What is new in new media? In late 2017, the "New" New Media representsdigital platforms that are equal to magazines, newspapers, radio and...
The hyphen is also used in writing compound words which, without the hyphen, would beambiguous, hard to read or overly long. Does half eaten have a hyphen? Rule: — The words are hyphenated before a noun if they are acting as an adjective. If the same words are used after a noun,the...
Array<String> :hyphen_attrs %w(data) Attributes which will be hyphenated if a Hash is given (e.g. data={a_foo:1,b:2} will render as data-a_foo="1" data-b="2") Boolean :hyphen_underscore_attrs false Attributes that have underscores in their names will be hyphenated (e.g. data...