Llewellyn Is Great Loss to a Welsh Game in Dire Need of Help; Talking Straight Delme Parfitt
Byline: SIR DAI LLEWELLYNLlewellyn, Dai
learning a language is…’in any way that they wanted – using art, video, poem or song, writing an essay or creating a poster. Entries were uploaded to the GSA platform so all participating schools could share the results, and an award ceremony was held ...
learning a language is…’in any way that they wanted – using art, video, poem or song, writing an essay or creating a poster. Entries were uploaded to the GSA platform so all participating schools could share the results, and an award ceremony was held ...
Marketing the Welsh Experience to Tourists Is a Two Minute Job; THE BIGINTERVIEW Robert Llewellyn Jones Talks to Tourism Entrepreneur Philip Evans, a Former Chairman of the Wales Tourist Board, on the Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Industry in Wales and Learns Why Repeat Business Is So ...
Llewellyn Is in Confident Mood; TURF TALK: Welsh Ace Sure He Can Put Record StraightWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
doi:10.5894/rgci467By LlewellynDavidRevista de Gestão Costeira Integrada - Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Rugby: Talk of Thomas Retirement Is New Welsh Blow ; RUGBY UNIONRead the full-text online article and more details about "Rugby: Talk of Thomas Retirement Is New Welsh Blow ; RUGBY UNION" by Llewellyn, David - The Independent (London, England), February 23, 2006By LlewellynDavid...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Golf: Llewellyn Follows in Top Stars' Footsteps on Road to Pro Glory; Hooters Tour in US Is Start for Welsh Ace" - Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales), February 8, 2008Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)...