Then, open your browser and go tohttp://localhost:5000/notecalc. Run using docker You can also run using a container with this command: git clone docker build.--tag notecalc3 docker run --rm -d -p 5000:5000 notecalc3 ...
FunctionManager.add("M=@(3,3)(3,4,1,2,4,7,9,1,-2)"); This can be extracted as a function by doing a simple lookup: Function matrixFun = FunctionManager.lookUp("M"); To find its determinant, do something like: double det = matrixFun.calcDet(); ...
Second, I finally finished a draft version of a Cl-36 exposure age calculator that, like the existing version 3 of the online exposure age calculators, is designed to be much faster than CRONUSCalc so that it can serve as a back end for dynamic exposure age calculations used by the ICE-...
Are we using the worn end of the ruler as its zero, rather than letting the ruler hang over both PROBLEMS 21 Problems In other words, integrate the given function. Solution, p. 168 1 Graph the function t2 in the neighborhood of t = 3, draw a tan- gent line, and use its slope to...