22 This revealed that in addition to chemokine receptors on resident leukocytes, chemokines show specific saturable binding to the ECs of postcapillary and collective venules, and also afferent lymphatics. Binding cross-competition studies showed that venular EC display a chemokine binding fingerprint ...
Cotter DLandau SBeasley CStevenson RChana GMacMillan LEverall I The density and spatial distribution of GABAergic neurons, labelled using calcium binding proteins, in the anterior cingulate cortex in major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2002;51 (5) 377- ...
Des classes dangereuses:Delapopulationdans les grandes villes.Paris:ChezJ.-B. Baillière, 1840,2Bände.Zu Frankreich siehe Chevalier,Louis.LaboringClassesand DangerousClasses in Parisduringthe First Half of the Nineteenth Century.New York: HowardFertig,2000.6.2 Der große Eisenbahnstreik von ...
F BourElsevier Ireland Ltd.Electroencephalography & Clinical NeurophysiologyLandau-Ferey J, Bour F (1980) Interet pronostique de l'EEG dans les jours qui suivent certains traumatismes craniens de l'enfant et de l'adolescent. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 49:173–180...
Caesarean sections (CS) are becoming increasingly popular. The antibiotic resistance crisis and relentless risk of infections, especially in developing countries, demand alternative treatment options. Medical-grade honey (MGH) exerts antimicrobial and healing properties. This study aims to evaluate the effe...